Episode 62: How to Use Audio Lessons in Your Course to Engage Students and Improve Learning with Yehoshua Zlotogorski

lecture breakers podcast teaching and learning strategies


In episode 62 of the Lecture Breakers podcast, we’re talking about how to use audio lessons in your course to increase student engagement and improve learning. Audio can be a powerful format for learning, especially when the audio lesson or audio course is intentionally designed based on cognitive science and pedagogy.

Our guest is Yehoshua Zlotgorski, and he’s on a mission to encourage us to challenge the framework that says we have to learn in one place at one time. He’s created an app called Alpe which allows educators to create audio lessons. 

Yehoshua explains that “audio’s superpower is removing friction from learning.” You can listen anywhere, anytime. We talk about the different ways you can think about integrating audio lessons in your courses.

For example, you could use audio to help students to prepare for an activity, to acquire foundational knowledge, to review for an upcoming exam, or to revisit a confusing or difficult topic.

As you listen to this episode, think about places in your course where an audio lesson might be a more effective and engaging way to help students learn and connect with the material.

You'll Learn:

  • The benefits of audio lessons and audio courses.

  • How to use spaced repetition, scaffolding, knowledge recall, and chunking in audio lessons to help students learn, make meaning, and avoid cognitive overload.

  • The different types of audio lessons you can use in your course.

  • Why storytelling is the most effective teaching and learning strategy in audio courses.

Show Notes:



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