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Episode 10: How to Motivate Students, Build Trust, and Prepare the Next Generation of Scholars with Dr. David Gooblar

lecture breakers student motivation and student engagement strategies teaching

Description: Dr. David Gooblar joins us in episode 10 of the Lecture Breakers podcast! David wears two hats - he's a faculty member and the associate director for the Center of Advancement in Teaching at Temple University.

Given his dual roles, I wanted to divide this episode into three main parts. We discuss the challenges of working in faculty development and how the isolation in teaching makes it harder for change to happen.

Then, we talk about different ways to increase student motivation, build trust, and get students to "buy in" to the course design and the teaching strategies you use. He discusses different ways to get students to take ownership of parts of the course, and he shares his "no stakes" assignment which helps students set goals and then create a plan to achieve those goals.

And, finally, we discuss his book The Missing Course which calls attention to the need for increased support for our future scholars and future faculty when it comes to learning how to teach effectively. 

A few notable quotes:

"I see part of faculty development as outreach to find allies and ambassadors for what we do."

"I resist the idea of quick fixes. Teaching is hard, lifelong work."

"It's not the content I need to know really's the students I need to know really well."

"Class time should be a place where students do stuff." (The whole mission of the #lecturebreakers podcast!)

Show Notes:



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