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Episode 76: Creating Successful Learning Experiences for Students Who Identify as Neurodiverse with Dr. Siva priya Santhanam

lecture breakers podcast teaching and learning



In episode 76 of the Lecture Breakers podcast, our guest is Dr. Siva priya Santhanam. Siva's expertise is working with students on the autism spectrum.

As we think about breaking up our lectures and creating more engaging student-centered learning experiences, we have to consider the experience of all students in these learning environments.

In this episode, Siva clarifies the terminology so we can have these conversations on our campuses and with our colleagues. She also shares tips and recommendations for planning and organizing your course, designing active learning experiences, and how to reduce student anxiety. We also discuss tips for helping neurodiverse students succeed when working in groups and in online courses.


  • Tips and recommendations to plan and organize your course based on the needs and challenges of students who identify as neurodiverse.

  • What to consider before you start planning a lesson or activity to help all students succeed.

  • Course design tips to reduce students' anxiety.

  • How to create more successful group work and active learning experiences.

  • Tips for helping neurodiverse students succeed in online courses.

Show Notes:




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