LAST CHANCE! Enrollment ends forever August 1!


Lecture Breakers Course: Designing and Facilitating Successful Active Learning Experiences

Learn how to design and facilitate effective and engaging active learning experiences for college students.

In this online program, you can "choose your own adventure" and select the topics that are most relevant and meaningful to you. You can also choose your format! Watch the video lessons or listen to the audio lessons. Yay for flexible faculty development!


The Business of Academic & Keynote Speaking

If you've listened to an inspiring speaker at a conference and thought to yourself "I want to do that! I want to be the one up there sharing my experience and helping others!" then this audio course is for you!

This self-paced audio course is designed to help you confidently navigate the business side of becoming a successful, in-demand speaker for higher education audiences. Learn how to market to your audiences, decide what to charge, create a proposal, negotiate contracts, and more.