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Episode 66: 25 Ways to Get to Know Your Students

lecture breakers podcast how to get to know your students icebreaker activities build community



How do you get to know your students? That's the question I posted to my different social media networks. And wow! The responses were amazing! The Lecture Breakers community is so creative! 

I compiled all of the responses, grouped them into 5 main categories, and created a list of 25 different strategies you can use to learn more about your students, build community, and increase student engagement.

Thank you to everyone who responded and shared your ideas! 

Get ideas for:

  • discussion boards and forums
  • chat sessions and live/synchronous classes
  • individual responses using surveys, checklists, and 1:1 conferences
  • visuals (including props, pictures, and images)
  • creative tasks or projects

Show Notes:




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