Episode 69: How to Use Digital Interactive Theatre to Break Up Your Lectures with James Wilson

lecture breakers podcast digital interactive theatre teaching strategies to engage students




In episode 69 of the Lecture Breakers podcast, James Wilson joins us to talk about breaking up your lectures using digital interactive theatre. 

James shares advice and strategies for how to integrate theatre, storytelling, and reflection to bring "real life" situations and complex experiences into the classroom.

He shares how he combines a polling tool within the context of a theatre experience and a "choose your own adventure" format to give students the opportunity to shape the story, influence the outcome, and bring the course material to life.

I hope this conversation inspires you to try something new with one of your lectures!

You'll learn:

  • How interactive digital theatre allows you to capture the complexities, diverse perspectives, emotions, reactions, and realities of a topic to convey an authentic, meaningful, and engaging learning experience.

  • The 4 key elements that must in place for a successful interactive theatre experience.

  • How to combine a "choose your own adventure" format with the theatre experience to give students choice and voice in the outcome of a scene.

  • The importance of creating a safe space, building trust with students, and debriefing when using experiential learning activities.

Show Notes:




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